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martedì 31 dicembre 2024
Joshua in Sarnano wants to wish everyone his best for the new year. he is doing well.
david gerstel
sabato 15 aprile 2023
We are from austria and already have the second maremmano bred by Allevamento del montelarco. Both dogs are great in character and typical maremmanos in nature. the physical condition is very good. They have an extremely lovable and friendly character. they learn quickly, so that you can train them well if you know how to deal with maremmanos. Our dogs live with us and in the stable with horses and other animals without any problems. We thank Carina and Francesco for the beautiful and wonderful dogs. Best regards Michaela and Christian from Austria.
Michaela (http://www.gestuet-kreuzenstein.at)
mercoledì 12 aprile 2023
Hallo aus Österreich! Ich darf Ihnen zu Ihren großartigen Maremmanos gratulieren! Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem kleinen Rüden, da unser Slovensky Cuvac Carlo leider 13 jährig verstorben ist! Ich bin durch Zufall auf Ihre HomePage gestoßen und möchte einmal nachfragen ob Sie einen tollen Jungen für uns hätten? Haus mit Garten und Schwimmteich ist vorhanden….?? Über eine Antwort würde ich mich freuen! Vielen Dank! Liebe Grüße, Elmar Mühl 00436642613554
Elmar Mühl
giovedì 26 agosto 2021
Orsa is with us for almost a month. She is wonderful, curious, sweet, beautiful. She is easy going, loves to play with humans and other dogs. When we picked up Orsa we also took Ottavia, now going by the name Donna. She lives with my mum and she is also doing great. Francesco and Carina are very kind and attentive. They won’t just sell a puppy to anyone. All together we are very happy to have met them and even more happy with Orsa. Thank you so much. Kind regards, Richard and Carmen Zevenhoven, the Netherlands.
domenica 20 giugno 2021
Nino del Montelarco is almost 5 months old now and with us in Amsterdam since 2 months.We are so happy with Nino. Nino is very self confident, very courageous and very relaxed. He is very good with other dogs, and even knows how to handle agressive dogs. He is very playful and likes kids, people, cats, birds and other animals. He very popular in the neighborhood with the other dogs. He guards the garden and barks, but not too much (we don’t stop him to bark, because usually he seems to have a reason for it). He is afraid of nothing and interested in new things. Nino is already best friend with our granddaughter (2yrs old). He adores water and swimming (what we didn’t expect from a Maremma). Sometimes he has ‘bananas’ in his ears, meaning that he listens when he thinks it’s useful. We take him to new places often and walk with him free without a leash most of the time. His recall is good (he never disappears). Only in places he knows well he can be stubborn and spend a lot of time in the bushes. In short: its a wonderful dog with a super character.
Annette & Gerrit
lunedì 3 maggio 2021
Buonasera, vi scrivo per chiedervi un consiglio su come alimentare il mio Ulisse, il mio maremmano di 5 anni( acquistato dal vostro allevamento nel 2016). Ulisse è un cane bellissimo e ora che è adulto non vorrei commettere errori di eccesso di alimentazione. Potreste darmi qualche suggerimento sul tipo di crocchette con cui alimentarlo? grazie
Federica Mangiatordi
domenica 18 aprile 2021
Mikha is geweldig. Ze ontwikkelt zich als een fijne huishond en als een goede kudde bewaker.Ze is goed met onze andere honden. We zijn erg blij met haar.
Sylvia Coensen
domenica 3 gennaio 2021
Ciao, I want to wish all my brothers and sisters and their humans a happy and safe new year. Joshua di Sarnano
domenica 20 settembre 2020
Hallo allemaal,Micka is sinds enige weken bij ons. Een vrolijke en heel relaxte pup. We genieten ontzettend van haar. Ze speelt met onze Border Collies en gaat rustig om met de kippen en eenden.Ze is ondernemend en soms lekker stout. Zoals een pup moet zijn. We zijn erg blij met haar!!!Toon en Sylvia.
Toon en Sylvia Coensen
domenica 14 giugno 2020
Buona sera, sono intenzionato ad acquistare un PMA per questo autunno. Volevo sapere se questa tempistica coincide con le vostre cucciolate attuali o in programma. Grazie mille
Federico Mariani
domenica 3 maggio 2020
Bonjour j’espère que vous allez bien ; Gitano grandit bien : il se balade tous les jours même pendant le confinement : la forêt est à 500 mètres de chez nous. Il est génial : par contre il saute et aboie quand il croise un autre chien et comme il est fort il tire sur la laisse et il faut faire attention. Il cherche à dominer les autres chiens. Nous essayons de l’habituer en laissant une grande distance entre les deux chiens mais dans la forêt les chemins sont étroits . Il charme tous les promeneurs : nous sommes tellement contents de partager notre vie avec lui : il est joueur et très expressif. Bonne journée Richard-Pierre BOULAY, Lyon France
Richard-Pierre BOULAY
domenica 3 maggio 2020
Bonjour j’espère que vous allez bien ; Gitano grandit bien : il se balade tous les jours même pendant le confinement : la forêt est à 500 mètres de chez nous. Il est génial : par contre il saute et aboie quand il croise un autre chien et comme il est fort il tire sur la laisse et il faut faire attention. Il cherche à dominer les autres chiens. Nous essayons de l’habituer en laissant une grande distance entre les deux chiens mais dans la forêt les chemins sont étroits . Il charme tous les promeneurs : nous sommes tellement contents de partager notre vie avec lui : il est joueur et très expressif. Bonne journée
Richard-Pierre BOULAY
sabato 21 marzo 2020
Hello All, Just to tell everyone we are still in Sarnano. All is well. My human cannot take me to the grocery store because the police are stopping him. So we walk in the centro storico for hours and I like that. My town is doing well with no cases of virus that my human is aware of. I want to tell all my brothers and sisters to look after their humans and keep them safe. Be safe. And ask your humans for prosciutto.
david gerstel
giovedì 6 febbraio 2020
Hello brother, hello sisters, happy birthday. Hope you all are well. I spend my day in an open air museum. There are several other animals. Have a great day. Benni and his people
Caos del Montelarco
martedì 4 febbraio 2020
Hello All, In two days it is my first birthday. I am in Sarnano, Le Marche, Italy. I invite all my friends and siblings to a "festa". All the shops have promised food and treats. A great town for a maremma. Come and visit. Life is Good ! Joshua
david harold gerstel
martedì 24 dicembre 2019
Hello sisters, hello brother, now we are 10 months and several days. I‘m living in Germany, in the south of Düsseldorf, for seven months now. I‘m happy here: I have my garden and outside forest and fields. Today‘s my first Christmas. I‘m laying lazy but a little excited on my place. My people were talking about special meals and presents and I heard my name. Will see what will happen. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas Benni and his people
Caos del Montelarco
domenica 24 novembre 2019
Hello All Joshua and I are back in Sarnano, Le Marche, Italy after 4 months on the farm in rural Vermont where we were isolated and seldom saw any other humans. Joshua was recognized and lauded by all the people he now sees. Since he has seldom seen cars he is somewhat afraid on the streets. The shops have re welcomed him and treat him to scraps of prosciutto and pancetta. The townspeople are not used to Maremmanno as pets. A few people are afraid of large dogs. He has become used to doing his business on open fields so i often take him to the park. He is now happy with new friends and experience. One word of caution. Be careful taking dogs by airplane. He was groggy when he came off the plane. Also, you can argue about taking a large dog out of the sky kennel. The customs can look inside. Taking him out and getting him back in is difficult. And some airlines will not take full grown animals or charge too much. Be careful with total transit times. I have had good luck with Lufthansa and Swiss to and from Rome. I would have problems with american based airlines. These are my personal opinions of course.
david gerstel
giovedì 10 ottobre 2019
Lotta has been living in a beautiful Estonian countryside for a few months now. She is a superstar in Estonia because this breed is not very well known here. Lotta has a large family, in addition to two adults and one child her family has one cat, two more dogs, 30 chickens and 1 rooster. At first she was skeptical of other animals but all the chickens are alive and she is now a great friend with the dogs. After Lotta arrived, nearly 9 year old Bernese Mountain Dog is once again like a 2 year old running and jumping puppy. In addition, he has accepted Lotta so much that he won't let anyone bullie her. About her character- Lotta likes to ride a plane and car , her favorite food at the moment are sleeves and pants and she likes to play a lot. Lotta has been attending dogs training courses and she is a quick learner. Lotta is happy.
lunedì 7 ottobre 2019
Our Joshua(carlos) is now 8 months old. he is about 29 inches at the shoulder and 100 pounds more or less. He has become a fearless protector of our farm in Vermont, as well as gracious and affectionate family member. When i go into the fields he follows. He is free to wander out of sight, but when i call, he comes immediately to see if all is well. He is a handsome dog and a great friend.
david harold gerstel
lunedì 26 agosto 2019
Forse il mio sarà un intervento un po’ anomalo in quanto dal sig. Francesco non ho acquistato nessun cane, ma facendo una ricerca su internet ho deciso di contattare questo allevamento perché insieme a degli amici abbiamo trovato recentemente dei cuccioli sul ciglio di una strada, di cui una femminuccia ho deciso alla fine di tenerla con me. Dunque sentivo il bisogno di capire se effettivamente la cucciola fosse di maremmano (per quanto non abbia ovviamente il pedigree) oltre ad aver bisogno di qualche indicazione per la gestione della stessa, in quanto su internet di informazioni se ne trovano tante, ma chi meglio di un allevatore? Il sig. Francesco, con mia piacevole sorpresa mi ha dedicato ben più del tempo che avrei mai potuto immaginare cercando di rispondere alle mie domande sempre in maniera esauriente. Si è passati dalla storia riguardante i maremmano alla conduzione al guinzaglio addirittura. Nulla mi era dovuto e ancor di più per questo ho apprezzato la massima disponibilità,cortesia,calma,consapevolezza, il saper ascoltare e l’umiltà di chi in primis ama gli animali e poi ne fa anche una professione. Ad oggi la cucciola, che dovrebbe avere intorno ai 5 mesi,si va ad aggiungere ad un meticcio di 5 anni e mezzo che adottai a poco tempo dalla sua nascita. Per adesso mi fermo a due :-) ma se in un futuro dovessi decidere di acquistare un cane, di razza PMA saprei sicuramente dove andare. Ho sempre ritenuto che sono le persone a fare la differenza ed il sig. Francesco è una di quelle che dopo averci parato te la ricordi e la consigli volentieri ad amici e conoscenti. Ringrazio ancora per la massima disponibilità e un arrivederci...
sabato 17 agosto 2019
hello Joshua is now six months and a week old. He spent his first three months in southern Italy, and then just under three months in the hill town of sarnano in le Marche. He is now at home in the northeast kingdom of vermont. He loves it. he has a pond, a huge of amount of land, streams, grass and fields beyond what a dog or person could dream. He has taken to stand guard on the lawn, when he watches for moose, bear, deer and other animals. he even went swimming in the pond, which none of our kuvasz's ever did. he is very happy, endlessly curious,and yet friendly and close when i work in the fields. he is just so impressive and such a good soul.
David Gerstel
mercoledì 14 agosto 2019
Caos ist nun ein halbes Jahr alt. Er hat sich prächtig entwickelt, körperlich wie auch psychisch. Er ist ein bildhübscher Kerl geworden. Aber viel wichtiger ist sein unglaublich liebenswerter Charakter. Er ist zwar stur, aber ihm liegt viel daran, seinen Menschen zu gefallen. Spaziergänge liebt er sehr. Aber daheim Kuscheln ist für ihn auch wichtig. Er ist von Anfang an überall dabei. Natürlich achten wir darauf, dass die Aktivitäten hundgerecht sind, aber er muss auch viel Neues lernen. Und das macht ihm viel Spaß. Hier merkt man, wie intelligent er ist. Er begreift unglaublich schnell, hat ein ausgeprägtes Erinnerungsvermögen und geht Neues mit Bedacht und ohne Hektik an. Er wird sicher noch wachsen, aber vor allem wird er noch an Masse zulegen. Wenn er sein Futter bekommt, ist es schön, ihn dabei zu beobachten, wie er genießen kann. Auch hier gilt, wenn es etwas gibt, was er noch nicht kennt, wird erst mal ruhig geschnuppert und dann genüsslich gefuttert. Auf den Spaziergängen in Wäldern, Wiesen und an Gewässern können wir ihn gut frei laufen lassen. Er kommt auf Ruf zurück. Auch hält er den Kontakt zu uns aufrecht. Baden ist seine ganz große Leidenschaft. Kein Bach, See, Fluss und keine Pfütze werden ausgelassen. Mit anderen Hunden kommt er gut zurecht. Andere Spaziergänger, Radfahrer und Jogger sind auch kein Problem. Er hat gute Veranlagungen, einen wunderbaren Charakter, ein ausgeglichenes Wesen. Man merkt, dass er aus einer Zucht kommt, in der mit Hunden verantwortungsvoll umgegangen wird. Von Anfang an haben wir den Kontakt zu Allevamento del Montelarco beibehalten und alle an Caos‘ Leben teilhaben lassen. Aber wir haben uns auch nicht gescheut, uns mit Fragen an sie zu wenden. Wir wurden immer gut beraten. Liebe Grüße nach Italien, Bernhard, Ulrike und Caos
Bernhard und Ulrike
lunedì 13 maggio 2019
Since 2 weeks Caos is living with us. He does fine. He is very friendly to people and animals. He impresses with his intelligence. And he is a real Maremmano: He has his own character. He‘s the dog, we wanted :-) Thank you Carina, Francesco and Frederico for the wonderful puppy. Whenever you‘re in Germany don‘t hesitate to visit us. Best regards, Bernhard und Ulrike
venerdì 10 maggio 2019
About a week ago i received my new puppy, Carlos(now Josha). I am very pleased. He is intelligent, very active, learns quickly, and a beautiful puppy that is going to grow into a majestic adult. My wife and I have owned 4 Kuvasz but we felt the AKC has turned them into large goldens. In one week Josha has learned to sit and come and is mostly house trained. He sleeps a good part of the night and is a ravenous eater. He is very sociable with the people we have met in our italian village of Sarnano of central Italy. I plan to keep him with me in Italy and in rural Vermont where he will have many acres to explore. It was a pleasure dealing with Francesco and Carina. They did everything they could to make this purchase pleasant, from suggested foods to transport to Le Marche. If anyone reading this is interested, contact me at dgerstel@securenet.net
david gerstel
venerdì 19 aprile 2019
Buon giorno Habiamo telefonato mezzo ore fa. Vorrei prenotare un Cucciolo maschio da te. Arriviamo mercoledi prossima setimana a mezzogiorno. tanti saluti Wolfgang Woltemade,(Wolte) Allevamento "Stedinger FCI" Cell. 0049 (0) 1724212964.
Wolfgang Woltemade (http://www.maremmanen.de)
martedì 5 marzo 2019
Little boy is doing great. Just an awesome little guy. He's the first/only dog who's figured out the bell we have hung on the door and he rings it to go out and come in. Up til now, only the cat has ever figured that. We just finished the first puppy "training" class and of course he was the star, even though I think he was the youngest. Just couldn't be happier with him.
Joel Sheriff
domenica 6 gennaio 2019
We've the similar Slovakian version of the livestock guardian breed, the Cuvac, for over 20 years and only recently fell in love with the Maremma. We got a female Maremma in early 2018 and she needed a young companion to play with as our remaining Cuvac is elderly. We found Francesco and Carena's site and loved the story and breeding philosophy. The timing was right and after a few weeks of angst figuring out how to get a puppy to the U.S., and a wonderful trip to Rome by our daughter, we now have Fauno who might be the most handsome, alert, smart, and very confident 12-week old puppy I've ever seen. All the worry and preparation to get the paperwork together to thread the needle and time the trip to get him before 16 weeks was worth it, though maybe not necessary as my daughter said customs never really looked at her paperwork. Thank you Francesco and Carena, we'll keep you posted on his progress.
Joel & Valarie
domenica 2 settembre 2018
Sunday 2 th september 2018 We have been hooked on the Maremmano breed our whole life. Our second Maremanno listens to the name of Avella and is now 9 years old.We thought it was time for a new puppy. We bought Avella in the neighbourhood of Naples, but as the breeder retired, we had to do some research to find a new breeder. In june we took a flight to Rome and visited three different litters. We knew very soon that we wanted a puppy from Francesco and Carina. The only thing left was to decide whether we wanted a male or a female. This is why we went back agian the day after we visited them for the first time. Than I took the male puppy in my arms and I fell in love immediately, and so did my husband. We decided tot call him Sabino, which was also the name of our first Maremanno. We had the luck that Francesco and Carina came to Holland for the Worlddogshow in Amsterdam. At 16 weeks old on the 8th of august Sabino was delivered here at our place! Sabino was immediately part of our family, Avella and Sjefke(our Jack Russel) had some trouble adjusting to the new situation, being very grumpy.. but now three weeks later they have become best friends. Sabino is a fast learner, is very confident, easy going. He is also stubborn, reserved and very patient with our grandchildren. Thank you Francesco and Carina for his wonderful and stubborn dog and all the help you gave us and still are giving us. THANX!!! Paula and Huub Mertens
Paula and Huub
giovedì 16 agosto 2018
Thank you so much for showing us your beautiful dogs and sharing your knowledge with us. we are definitely hooked on the breed!
Vanessa (http://April 2018)
venerdì 29 giugno 2018
Perla del Montelarco is 3 years old today. She chews our carpets, digs in the garden, opens the door and treads mud on the floor, chases deer and rolls in every smelly thing she can find, but she guards us, we love her, and we cannot imagine life without her. Happy Biirthday Perla and thank you, Francesco and Carina, for letting us have such a wonderful (and stubborn!) dog.
Carlota Solares
lunedì 18 giugno 2018
Aujourd'hui Cumba à 4 mois 2mois qu' il est à la maison du pure bonheur .C est un chien super amitieux et à été très vite propre super attacher à la famille et dans la rue lorsque nous allons promener Cumba test au pieds ne tire pas merci à Francesco et Carina pour leurs travails avec
sabato 7 aprile 2018
buondì carina e francesco, solo per dirvi che ormai Nelson ha 3 anni e mezzo. mi chiedete ogni tanto come sia di carattere. E' affettuoso e coccoloso (finché non si stufa degli umani e riprende i suoi giri). ha un carattere stabile, mai nervoso, ma attento a quel che accade. molto delicato con i bambini e molto affidabile. cocciuto e pigro, se non vede nulla di pericoloso o sospetto nei movimenti del giardino, segue con gli occhi ma neppure si alza a meno che non ne abbia voglia. certo la sera al buio è bene farsi riconoscere, perché diventa più vigile e l'intrusione di estranei è più sorvegliata. sono questi pressoché gli unici momenti in cui abbaia. grazie e buon lavoro
mercoledì 28 marzo 2018
Dear Carina and Francesco, I can't believe I haven't written on your guestbook earlier! My apologies. It's now 4 years - how time flies! - since we picked up our big, beautiful ball of fluff Luce (Lucrezia del Montelarco) from you. I cannot begin to tell you how much pleasure she has brought to our lives, and the lives of everyone who has met her. There was a time, when she was a (very large!) puppy, when I wasn't sure we'd made the right decision. Strong-willed, stubborn, independent - and always bouncy, your help in guiding us through those early days was indispensable. Thank you. Although we've had dogs for over 30 years, the Maremma is a different, and very special, breed. Luce has become a hugely important part of our family. We cannot imagine life without her. And she's more than that. Because, as you know, we bought Luce as a chicken guardian. We'd had two complete flocks killed by foxes and then pine martens. We didn't know what else to do, but here in rural Italy we'd seen working Maremmas - and that seemed like a good idea. Since we have had her, we have not had one single chicken killed when she's been around. Not one. She lies in the chicken run and allows the hens to stand on her head. She allows our little Yorkie to pull on her ears and stand on her back. I have never before known a dog to be so completely laid back. Nothing fazes her (except maybe the vet!). Not once has she reacted with anything other than extreme patience and kindness - except to foxes and pine martens. :) Kind is, I think, one of the best words to describe her. Others would be silly, funny, intelligent - and still stubborn! Just a wonderful example of the best of this beautiful breed. Thank you so much for trusting us to have Luce as our dog. Thank you for your help and guidance in raising her. And thank you for your friendship. Who knows - we may be back for one of your new puppies. After all, a 4 year old Luce is the perfect age for training a new pup.
Cath and Mike
giovedì 7 settembre 2017
Carina and Francesco were brilliant throughout the whole process. The knowledge and experience is exceptional, So much so we decided to drive from the North of England to get our beautiful puppy (Bella). I was quite unsure of how difficult the process would be in importing a puppy to the Uk, fortunately Carina and Francesco had all the experience to make the whole process effortless. The work they are doing for the breed is incredible all the have such great characters and great structure. We have had no problems what so ever with our puppy, she gets on great with our two Siberian Huskies and they are all best friends within two weeks! Would defiantly recommend getting your puppy from Francesco and Carina.
Daniel Goodison
lunedì 19 giugno 2017
Carina and Francesco have arranged for us a new family member. What a joy she is! Nella, aka due due nove, is settling in nicely to her new home in the US. Everything, including the language, is new to her. But she confronts all with courage and confidence. We attribute her mature attitude entirely to her fine breeders. There were many hurdles involved in our adoption from Italy to the US. Carina and Francesco were expert in explaining to us what we needed and in preparing the documentation. They were extremely knowledgeable and extraordinarily helpful. We had many questions and concerns and they were always responsive. They fostered trust through their thorough knowledge of the breed. Having seen it first hand, we feel their breeding program is superior. They are committed to welfare of the Maremma, their particular line, and every puppy in every litter. It was truly a pleasure to communicate and then to finally meet Carina and Francesco. With their assistance and expertise the ease of travel from Italy to the US was without a single incident. We are grateful to them in so many ways. "Thank you" can hardly express our appreciation.
Mary Ellen Chambers
martedì 18 aprile 2017
Vinicio is more than just a dog. He is the newest member of our family. Everyone that comes in contact with him adores him, including the airport staff, custom officers and staff at the quarantine centre. When we first met Vinicio,"majestic" was the only word we could think of to describe him. He possesses a very stable and calm temperament , and is friendly and cheerful all the time. We are happy and proud to have him join our family. Our experience with Francesco and Carina exceeded our greatest expectations. They are extremely knowledgeable, patient in answering our questions, and always willing to share tips and advice with us. It is clear that they care about the well being of every dog living with them. We could sense that they had formed strong bond with Vinicio. They understand his temperament and clearly love him. We know they will miss him. We are not experienced in bringing animals into Singapore, and were unfamiliar with the process of bringing a dog home with us. We realised early on that there are many rules and regulations to adhere to, as well as paperwork to be done. Francesco and Carina were very patient in learning about Singapore's import requirements and put in a lot of effort in helping us to prepare the necessary documents in a timely manner. There were a great many things that could have gone wrong (delays in paperwork, vaccination, etc.), but Francesco and Carina ensured that there were no hiccups and that everything went as planned. Finally, Francesco and Carina were wonderful hosts. They invited us to their home when we visited Rome to bring Vinicio to Singapore with us. We spent a wonderful evening with them, and truly enjoyed our time with them. We owe our greatest gratitude to Francesco and Carina for their hospitality and professionalism, and also for taking care of Vinicio and handing Vinicio over to us in great shape.
domenica 15 maggio 2016
Carissimi Francesco e Karina, vi scrivo per raccontarvi un piccolo episodio avvenuto ieri con il nostro Caio. Eravamo in una fiera vicino Cascais per divulgare la razza del pastore maremmano qui in Portogallo quando siamo stati invitati dal locale Ospedale Veterinario a portare Caio ad una seduta di Pet-terapy com un gruppo di disabili mentali. Anche se con un po di timore abbiamo aderito ed Isabel ha accompagnato Caio in questo percorso. Avreste dovuto vedere con quale dolcezza e tenerezza Caio si è avvicinato a queste persone, facendosi accarezzare, leccando loro la mano, avvicinandosi quando uno di loro non arrivava a toccarlo, sicuramente vi sareste commossi come è successo a noi. Allla fine gli stessi disabili hanno dichiarato Caio il cane piú simpático della fiera, davanti a quasi un centinaio di partecipanti. Siamo e siamo sempre stati molto orgogliosi di lui, ma questo nuovo aspetto di cosa puo fare un Maremmano ci ha veramente fatto venire le lacrime agli occhi. Desideravamo condividere con voi questa emozione e chissà che questa non possa diventare la nuova missione del maremmano, donare un sorriso e un momento di felicità a persone meno fortunate. Un grande abbraccio a voi tutti Fabrizio e Isabel
Fabrizio Guglielmi (http://www.pastoremaremmano.pt)
martedì 19 aprile 2016
When after a holiday in Umbria we decided to get a PMA we had no experience of the breed. It has been a steep learning curve: Perla, whom after looking at many breeders we got from Montelarco, is unlike any dog we have ever had. She is a challenge: very intelligent and quick to learn but headstrong and stubborn, friendly and at the same time reserved. She is very sure of her position in the house, which is as our equal! At 9 months she is still immature but her loyalty and gentleness are already evident and she is a joy to have. She is active and lively when out on a walk, but calm and contented in the house and garden. In her daily walks in the woods or the countryside she runs freely with our other dog after deer and rabbits but is always aware of where we are and quickly comes back to check on us. Her guarding instincts are beginning to emerge and she is distrustful of strangers though she welcomes the postman! We know adult maremmani are frugal eaters but at 9 months she is still very focused on her food. She is fed twice a day on raw meat with ground bone and salmon oil plus cooked vegetables and rice and is very healthy and gaining weight at a good rate. We are very lucky to have found Carina and Francesco who not only gave us our perfect dog but took care of every detail to facilitate bringing her to the UK. We cannot praise too highly their friendliness, efficiency and their commitment to the welfare of the dogs they breed. Thank you, we are only sorry you didn't b
Carla and Pedro
mercoledì 18 novembre 2015
Je viens déposer quelques phrases ,pour dire au combien nous sommes très heureux d avoir choisi notre chien Lasko dans votre elevage ,bien sur que Rome n est pas à côté de Marseille ,mais nous avons tellement eu un bon contact avec Carina et Francesco, par mail et téléphone que c était une évidence de le choisir si loin ...En règle générale un bon éleveur se reconnaît lorsqu'il vous parle de ses chiens car il peut vous en parler des heures avec passion et ce sans vous lasser . Vous devez sentir qu'il aime ses chiens !c est ce qui nous a plu chez vous Donc , pour vous dire que si vous avez un elevage de Berger de Maremme c est bien celui la,vous êtes à la bonne adresse .notre Lasko est un amour de chiot ,il joue avec nos petits Jack ,c est une boule de tendresse .si nous avions eu encore plus de place nous prendrions une femelle c est sur ...merci pour cette rencontre Franco-italienne ....longue vie à votre elevage ,une lechouille à Rubino papa de notre Lasko .Celine et Éric
Céline et Éric
mercoledì 18 novembre 2015
Je viens déposer quelques phrases ,pour dire au combien nous sommes très heureux d avoir choisi notre chien Lasko dans votre elevage ,bien sur que Rome n est pas à côté de Marseille ,mais nous avons tellement eu un bon contact avec Carina et Francesco, par mail et téléphone que c était une évidence de le choisir si loin ...En règle générale un bon éleveur se reconnaît lorsqu'il vous parle de ses chiens car il peut vous en parler des heures avec passion et ce sans vous lasser . Vous devez sentir qu'il aime ses chiens !c est ce qui nous a plu chez vous Donc , pour vous dire que si vous avez un elevage de Berger de Maremme c est bien celui la,vous êtes à la bonne adresse .notre Lasko est un amour de chiot ,il joue avec nos petits Jack ,c est une boule de tendresse .si nous avions eu encore plus de place nous prendrions une femelle c est sur ...merci pour cette rencontre Franco-italienne ....longue vie à votre elevage ,une lechouille à Rubino papa de notre Lasko .Celine et Éric
Céline et Éric
lunedì 15 giugno 2015
Quasi due anni fa è entrata a far parte della nostra famiglia Gaia detta " Lana" figlia di Asia per Basco. Era la nostra prima esperienza con un cane ed eravamo pieni di preoccupazioni e dubbi, è stato ed è ancora un continuo imparare insieme di tutti noi, inizialmente è stato impegnativo ma poi si è creato il feeling e tutto sta andando benissimo.... Lana è meravigliosa, non smette mai di stupirci, è equilibratissima ed amabile, ma quando c'è da fare la guardia sa il fatto suo. E' perfettamente integrata nella nostra famiglia e si fa amare da tutti gli amici ed i familiari, inoltre sta imparando a comprendere le situazioni e ad addatarvisi velocemnte. Vivere con Lana per noi è una grande esperienza che consigliamo a tutti quelli che hanno tempi e spazi adeguati. Grazie Francesco e Carina per la nostra amata Lana. Flavio e Daniela
Flavio e Daniela
giovedì 4 giugno 2015
31 maggio 2015, Tanti auguri Maggie! Per la nostra terza esperienza canina, abbiamo deciso di prendere una femmina di P.M.A. e dopo varie ricerche su internet e nel lazio (siamo di Roma) siamo tornati al Montelarco, il primo allevamento visitato e che ci aveva fatto una buona impressione da subito. A metà agosto dell'anno scorso abbiamo preso Margherita, figlia di Asia per Fiero. E così la nostra famiglia è cresciuta ancora: 5 umani, 1 un gatto e ora, di nuovo, anche un cane! Seguendo i consigli di Francesco e Carina, Maggie sta crescendo forte e sana: da batuffolo bianco si è trasformata in una bella pastora di ormai 33 kg! Ne abbiamo sentite tante sui P.M.A. ma la nostra realtà è un cane sereno, tranquillo ed equilibrato che, pur avendo il giardino a disposizione, ama passare più tempo possibile con la sua famiglia. Come sta scritto un po ovunque dei P.M.A., se trattata con rispetto e autorevolezza impara in fretta quanto le viene insegnato. Ultimamente sta iniziando a tirare fuori la sua indole di guardiano discreto e attento. Insomma siamo proprio contenti della scelta fatta! P.s. un grazie anche ad Annamaria (l'educatrice cinofilache ci ha presentato Francesco) che ci sta "educando" a "educare" e conoscere meglio Maggie
giovedì 30 aprile 2015
Sono alla prima esperienza cinofila. Dopo aver ponderato quale potesse essere la razza che più si confacesse al mio carattere, al mio impegno e ciò che volevo da un cane ho scelto, seppur messo in guardia da inesperte e sconsiderate valutazioni generiche e di cattiva fama sui maremmani, per questa splendida razza. Ancora sono cuccioli (leon 12 mesi e diana 8) per dare un giudizio definitivo sul loro carattere ma le basi, la dolcezza e la loro bellezza si vedono già da adesso. Così come si vede la testardaggine, l'audacia e il senso di autonomia e libertà che li contraddistingue. Sono davvero bei cani, sono intelligenti e vogliono bene a me ed alla mia famiglia, che accolgono sempre con gioia, rispettando già da adesso anziani e bambini. Ancora non è matura la loro attitudine alla guardia ma sono sicuro che una volta adulti, saranno eccezionali anche in quello e... Più la femminuccia, che simpaticamente chiamiamo viperetta, che il maschio! Penso di aver fatto la scelta giusta!
martedì 14 aprile 2015
Segue dal post precedente: (aveva due mesi e mezzo quando l'abbiamo presa da un allevamento a Prato). Ora continua ad educarla e a controllare tutto quello che fa nonostante che ormai siano della stessa altezza e dello stesso peso e il san bernardo crescerà ancora…. se fa qualcosa che non deve la prende per un orecchio e la porta in casa da me quasi a dirmi "ha fatto la birichina"…. Per l'alimentazione si regola da sola, se un giorno mangia tanto, il giorno dopo salta un pasto… io continuo a dargli tre pasti al giorno.. la mattina crocchette per semplicità e poi a pranzo e a cena alimentazione naturale, (Pasta, riso, patate abbinate a carne di manzo cruda, oppure pesce, o altri tipi di carni però cotte e disossate. una volta ogni 15 giorni gli do le uova, mozzarella o un osso di manzo crudo. a tutti i pasti naturali un po di verdura frullata a crudo e uno spicchio di pera o di mela, ma in genere preferisce le pere) per premio via via una crosta di parmigiano o un cantuccio di pane duro… quando mi fa le sue meravigliose risate o i suoi sorrisi, i miei malanni svaniscono e mi riempie il cuore… come ho più volte detto su fb grazie a Carina e Francesco…. mi avete dato un Angelo senza le ali ma ricoperto di pelo candido…
Daniela e Maurizio
lunedì 13 aprile 2015
Due anni fa la nostra famiglia formata da tre umani si è allargata con Athena del Montelarco, figlia di Asia x Basco. Niente è stato più come prima….. ho imparato cosa vuol dire amare ed essere amati, in modo incondizionato. Tutti che insistevano a dire "i maremmani sono cani burberi, aggressivi…." niente di più falso sono come i bambini se crescono in un ambiente equilibrato sanno essere di una dolcezza che supera l'immaginabile. Il primo anno dormiva fuori in giardino, poi da quando abbiamo preso il secondo cane una San Bernardo, hanno cominciato a dormire in casa entrambe a volte per un po addirittura si sdraia nel letto tra me e mio marito….… alcuni problemi di salute mi impediscono di uscire per le passeggiate e quindi a parte le loro giornate nel giardino, che per altro è grande, le portiamo fuori a scorrazzare nei campi o per i boschi la domenica. Non ha mai dato segni di insofferenza… sta in casa con me e quando vuole uscire ha imparato ad aprire la porta ed esce… quando vuole rientrare bussa…. capisce esattamente tutto quello che le dico…. Chi dice che i cani non parlano? capisce e si fa capire in ogni cosa che vuole…. relativamente al rapporto con l'altra cucciola, per quanto siano due razze molto diverse, le ha fatto da mamma al punto che nei primi mesi la cucciola di san bernardo si attaccava alle mammelle di Athena, forse per nostalgia del latte materno e Athena l'ha lasciata fare e la leccava e coccolava come figlia sua (aveva due mesi e mezzo quando l'abbiamo
Daniela e Maurizio
sabato 11 aprile 2015
Just a word of deeply heartfelt thanks for 1) the beautiful (the vet is in love with her), smart, intelligent puppy that we got from you a little over a year ago and is a true member of the family now -- my third daughter! 2) Her brother, who we have had for the last month and who has the opposite character of his sister--reserved, mellow, easygoing--and has already charmed us all (handsome as he is!) and most of all 3) your patience and dedication is helping us learn to raise them. We are very lucky to have found you, not only because our dogs are gorgeous but because you cared so much about making sure they were happy with us and we with them. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
Jem Macy
sabato 18 maggio 2013
Ciao, volevo salutare e mandarvi notizie di Leone che in questi giorni compie 7 mesi (se ricordo bene era nato alla fine di ottobre) Ormai e' grande e grosso, abbaia furiosamente se qualsiasi sconosciuto si avvicina al campo ma con la gente che conosce e' tranquillissimo. Chiunque si avvicina lui abbaia. Poi se e' qualcuno che conosce va vicino e lo saluta, ma se e' qualcuno che non conosce resta la' e continua ad abbaiare finche' non esco io, arrivando anche a ringhiare se lo sconosciuto si avvicina troppo. In pratica fa il suo lavoro alla perfezione. Ovviamente abbaia a qualsiasi cosa che gli sembri 'strano', per esempio proprio ieri ha inchiodato in un angolo un povero porcospino e continuava ad abbaiare finche sono arrivato io e gli ho fatto capire che il porcospino era "amico mio". Comunque, meglio falsi allarmi che ladri indisturbati. Con me e' affettuoso e ubbidiente... quando ne ha voglia. Cioe' mi ubbidisce diciamo per amicizia, non per sottomissione. Io lo lascio fare perche' capisco che sono cani di natura indipendente pero' non gli lascio prendere il sopravvento che potrebbe essere pericoloso. In generale lo tengo sciolto tranne quando lavoro con attrezzi pericolosi come motoseghe e decespugliatori, e anche quando c'e' molta gente in generale lo tengo legato per evitare che prenda l'abitudine a dare confidenza agli estranei. Comunque e' legato con una catena lunga attaccata ad uno scorrevole di circa 20m, quindi anche da legato ha sempre un po' di spazio per mu
Luca (http://airpatria.it)
sabato 18 maggio 2013
Hallo, am 30.12.2013 haben wir unseren kleinen Liebling Febo Fabiano del Montelarco von Carina und Francesco abgeholt. Wir haben uns wieder für einen Maremmano entschieden, weil das einfach die besten Hunde sind. Unser letzter Maremmano wurde fast 16 Jahre alt und war ein treuer Freund und Wegbegleiter. Febo Fabiano kommt jeden Tag mit mir in den Reitstall mit und man merkt schon jetzt, daß er ein richtig guter Stallhund wird. Auch daheim ist er sehr brav und folgsam. Er spielt gerne mit anderen Hunden und liebt den Schnee. Wir sind überglücklich mit ihm und können nur die Zucht von Carina und Francesco weiterempfehlen. Liebe Grüsse aus Wien
mercoledì 20 febbraio 2013
Nous sommes très heureux d'avoir choisi l'élévateur del Montelarco. Carina & Francesco ont un élévage propre et on voit que les chiens et chiots sont élevés avec beaucoup de patience et amour. On a depuis le mois de janvier 2013 notre petit Falco del Montelarco et on est très satisfait par l'élévateur. Carina et Francesco sont des personnes très gentilles et moderne. A tout moment d'une demande d'un chiot, on conseillerait l'Allevamento del Montelarco. Pour toutes les informations sur l'élévage vous êtes bien acceulli auprès de Carina & Francesco. Falco est un chiot formidable qui nous fait beaucoup de joie. Vi ringraziamo per tutto. Falco e un cucciolo meraviglioso. Elena&René
Elena Rossi & René Meyers
mercoledì 20 febbraio 2013
We also just lost our dog a couple of days ago due to a brain tumor, he was a 2 year old Berger de Picardie, who we found lost on the beach in South France early last year, when he came to us our 12 year old son had just slightly recovered from very bad post traumatic symptoms after having ben attacked by a 15 year old drugged sociopath during a basketball tournament...The dog arrived in our life a did an incredible job on the psychological healing of our son. It is so injust that he had died so young - we owe him so much! We are now looking for a maremmano puppy, as we read that this dog has very similar characteristics to a Picard, can you help us? Ose
Ose Nielsen
mercoledì 20 febbraio 2013
Good Morning - I have been going over your website as I just lost my best friend (Maximus) on tuesday to a brain tumor. He was 10.5 years old, and his parents had both been brought to Canada from Italy. He was by far the best dog that I have ever owned - a true friend more than a dog! if I were to ever have another dog it would be a Maremma - do you sell your puppies to buyers in Canada? I would want a dog from outside of Canada as there are so few here that I would want to avoid inbreeding.
mercoledì 20 febbraio 2013
La collaborazione e l'aiuto di Francesco sono stati determinanti per la scelta del mio primo cane. Molti sostengono che il pastore maremmano abruzzese sia un cane difficile e pericoloso, l'orientamento datomi da Francesco e la prova dei fatti dimostrano che è vero l'esatto contrario! Il maremmano (quando è di razza pura ed è stato allevato bene) è un cane eccellente non solo come cane da guardia ma sotto ogni aspetto: è molto forte, fedelissimo, affettuoso, bellissimo ed equilibrato.
emiliano serra
mercoledì 20 febbraio 2013
complimenti ho scoperto la nuova versione del sito e l'ho trovata molto simpatica. TOR continua a stupirmi e a darmi grandi soddisfazioni. a presto
massimo magistri
mercoledì 20 febbraio 2013
Vielen Dank für den tollen, superlieben Hund und die gute Beratung im Vorfeld des Kaufs. Francesco hat alle Emails schnell und äußerst kompetent (auf englisch) geantwortet Dazu gab es immer aktuelle Welpenfotos. (Obwohl es von Anfang an klar war, wer unser Favorit war und es dann auch geworden ist.) Unser Hündchen ist jetzt 8 Monate alt und hat sich bestens entwickelt. Sie war von Anfang an sehr gut sozialisiert und liebt Menschen und Kinder und andere Hunde. Sie ist aufmerksam, sehr sanftmütig, verschmust wenn sie will und sie ist everybody´s darling - nicht nur auf der Hundewiese. Meine Freundin will unbedingt Brüderchen für sie. Mal sehen, vielleicht fahren wir wieder einmal nach Rom ;-)) Herzliche Grüße. Katrin & Gerhard
Gerhard Willfahrt
mercoledì 20 febbraio 2013
Hej på er! Hoppas allt går bra med vovvarna. Fick fram en lapp som Carina skrev med adress och hemsida. Kollade alla foto som togs vid vårt besök hos er. Mycket trevlig vistelse. Hundarna är ju fantastiska, tilltalande. Jag har en särskild känsla för djur. Magnus (min son) har skaffat ny vovve. En schäfer så klart. Det är ju den ras vi haft övervägande sen 1992. Visserligen var min Freddy (svart Labrador) med till 1995. Sen var det bara schäfer. Som mest fyra stycken. Min Dizzy hängde med till 2007 och blev 12 1/2 år gammal. Nu är det bara en ny krabat, en riktig "buse". Men han blir nog en grann o' fin hund. Skall se om jag hittar något foto att skicka. Varm hälsning, Kjell-Arne och givetvis också på Anitas vägnar.
Kjell-Arne Frick
mercoledì 20 febbraio 2013
Grazie per l'incontro di oggi, siete stati molto gentili e disponibili! :) Poter finalmente avere a che fare dal vivo coi bellissimi pastori maremmani e conoscerli un pochino è stata una grande emozione! E i cuccioli anche se arruffati erano stupendi! Spero davvero che decideremo di prenderne uno, in caso ci sentiremo presto! Laura
domenica 18 settembre 2011
Hello from germany, wonderful pups and a nice homepage. Good luck for future breeding, actually pups a good home and greetings vom germany
Kerstin (http://www.xandog.de)
domenica 18 settembre 2011
Amelia is doing great. We are having so much fun with her.She is a very special dog, in a good way. She will follow me everywhere. I dont really have to tell her to do anything because she is aways very focused on what happens next. Shes is also super sweet towards the kids and takes good care of Watson. Watson likes her most of the time and sometimes he thinks that she is to active, but i think it only goodfor him that there is someone to keep him being alert. She is also an extreamely good watchdog and make a good effort to letting people now that there are not welcome before my aproval. Kids though are running in and out of the hose with no problem. So thats really perfect. Now that is is summer we go for a swim pretty much every day. She loves the waterand have almost learned to swim net to us and not to crawl up on us while swimming. Yesterday Frode our 7 year old had her on top of the surfboard that was really fun to watch. She has also learned to drive in a car an d come along to the stables every other day. I havent been riding with her in the forest yet but i think we will start on that in the near future.
stine kyhl øvlisen (http://stine.ovlisen.com)
giovedì 25 agosto 2011
Dear Carina and Francesco, Thank you very much for helping us all over the process, by answering all of our mails, helping us choose the right puppy and explaining us the breed characteristics. You made the hole import process seem easier then i accepted. Archie is doing well. He barks all the time. He is getting well with the other dogs. Thank you again!
martedì 3 maggio 2011
Hello, I'm pleased to find your site, after much research on the breed. I've fallen in love with Maremma's. My Sophie (named for Sophia Loren's eyes) was a brave rescue found roaming the Minnesota National Forest, USA. She's just like your Flaminia! True to her heritage, Sophie courageously deterred a burglary, and would have defended me to her death against two charging Rottweillers. Maremmas are so rare here, often mistaken for blonde Golden Retrievers, yet nothing like them. I want to educate Americans about this wonderful and courageous pet. Thanks so much for the photos and info.
Carey Jewel
martedì 3 maggio 2011
Every things beautiful! We bought puppy Alba and very happy. We live in Russia, Saint-Petersburg in country house. We have two dogs: maremma and shar-pei. And we wanted to buy second maremma in Italy, because We bought Nastia in Moscow, and we wanted to breed her. But she had some problem with health and we exact decided to bought friend for Nastia. We decided to buy dog in Italy, because in Russia some maremmas, and for breed better Italian dogs. We told about puppy in messages with Fransesco and Carina, and we flied in Rome. In Saturday we met with masters and Alba. We very like her. She have very good nature and very good character for exhibitions. In Wednesday we came back in SPb, when we came in our country house Nastia, Alba and Stive (share-pei) very good met. THANK YOU FOR OUR NEW BEST DOG, YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE, FRANCESCO AND CARINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
martedì 12 aprile 2011
Oggi è un mese che Asso ha raggiunto la nostra famiglia a Belluno, ai piedi delle Dolomiti. Da tempo cercavamo un buon guardiano per la nostra casa da affiancare alla nostra femmina di cane corso e ci siamo imbattutti nella cucciolata di Sale e Euro, scegliendo con l'aiuto di Francesco un buon maschio. Siamo davvero soddisfatti del carattere di Asso. Si dimostra sempre all'altezza di ogni situazione, è davvero equilibrato e sicuro di sè per essere un cucciolo di soli cinque mesi. A casa è educato e delicato con i bambini, ubbidiente e attento con noi e si è anche subito accaparrato le simpatie della nostra vecchia e scorbutica cagnolona. Con lei già comincia a fare squadra quando si tratta di fare la guardia. Segnala l'arrivo e il passaggio di estranei con decisione e buona vigilanza e non dimostra mai segni di paura. Fuori casa ci ha stupiti per la sua socievolezza, sia con le persone che con altri cani, si sa sempre comportare nella dovuta maniera senza dover mai intervenire. Tutte queste buone qualità caratteriali sono di certo il frutto degli ottimi riproduttori del Montelarco e anche della maniera in cui sono allevati i cuccioli e del modo famigliare in cui sono tenuti i cani. Un grazie di cuore a Francesco per aver arricchito la nostra famiglia con Asso. PS: Asso non è proprio perfetto...qualche buca in giardino la fa anche lui!!!!
Cristina Bonetta
venerdì 11 febbraio 2011
J'ai pu découvrir cette race lors de vacances en Toscane.Coup de foudre immédiat au point de vouloir sans réserve aucune en avoir un ! Après de nombreuses recherches impossible en Belgique de trouver un éleveur...c'est donc par le web que j'ai pu découvrir l'adresse de l'élevage de Carina & Francesco...la démarche était impulsive et j'aurais pu 'tomber' sur une mauvaise adresse #un reproducteur commercial et peu soucieux des critéres de la race à respecter#.Les contacts ont été directement très professionnels et confiants..cette magnifique expérience commençait...Les démarches administratives pour pouvoir ramener Dolce par avion #en allant la chercher#n'ont pas été faciles mais Carina a montré toute sa détermination et son professionnalisme pour trouver les solutions...Beaucoup d'échanges de mails et d'appels téléphoniques ont permis cela.Dolce est un chien exceptionnel, intelligent,très protecteur et d'une beauté rare sur laquelle beaucoup de gens se 'retournent' #beaucoup de succès#...Je recommande à tous ceux qui ont envie de partager cette expérience et d'avoir un pastore Maremmano de s'adresser à Carina et Francesco qui sont des passionnés et dont l'excellence de la race qu'ils développent est incontestable. C'est pour moi la référence.Les contacts sont toujours réguliers et Carina suit bien Dolce à travers le temps qui passe et est toujours disponible pour toute question que je pourrais lui poser.
Nathalie Mathot - Belgium
martedì 8 febbraio 2011
A year ago we bought a puppy from Carina and Francesco These days while we can communicate over the web, makes long distance and culture close than ever, it is still complicate to trust private persons over the web that are not a commercial business. We found a professional breeders and very nice people that helped us all over the process , by answering a lot of mails and phone calls, explain us the process, the breed character, helped us choosing the right puppy for us, prepared for us all the documents we needed for the import process . Now we have Spino – ten months with us, an amazing young male Marremano, we couldn't wish more than that. We strongly recommend their puppies
Shlomo belleli, Israel
domenica 6 febbraio 2011
Just received 3 maremma abruzzi,s from Francesco. they arrived in top condition.true to the standard and an excellant ambassador to the breed. The head formation is to perfection,real Italian style,with beautiful uzbek eye,s rarely seen in foreign countries. the bone formation is solid,beautiful top line and typical maremma amble. thank again Francesco,keep up the good breeding.
jagan r gopalasamy, Malaysia
domenica 23 gennaio 2011
Hello! Has with the great pleasure seen your site and your pupils. Further to you of successes at exhibitions and cultivation. Yours faithfully, Angela.
Angela (http://arangmops.jimdo.com/ )
mercoledì 8 dicembre 2010
Complimenti per il sito!
Cocker (http://www.cockerspanielinglese.it)
giovedì 29 aprile 2010
Le ho appena telefonato, trovandola molto cordiale e professionale, sono quello che ha il negozio e con cui ha parlato di novafoods, ci sentiamo allora per settembre p.v. per la prossima cucciolata.
Costantino Orlandi (http://www.blueverde.it)
domenica 17 gennaio 2010
how can i contact you?
shlomo belleli
martedì 12 gennaio 2010
sono davvero bellissimi.e personalmente sarei interessata all'adozione di un cucciolo.prima però vorrei sapere se i cani siano in vendita..e non in regalo.in tal caso non sarei più interessata.grazie
marta chiodi
venerdì 17 luglio 2009
Blev äntligen färdig att besöka er hemsida. Det har varit en hektisk tid sen jag kom hem. Blev förälskad i hundrasen. Sannolikt Athos förtjänst. Är det han som heter "Pedigree of EURO"? En härlig hund. Det var en upplevelse att besöka er. Att uppleva Italien litet innifrån. Tackar för gästfriheten. Varm hälsning. Kjell-Arne
Kjell-Arne Frick
giovedì 16 aprile 2009
Complimenti per il Sito! Complimenti per i cani dalle foto traspare la passione che ci mettete!!! Complimenti Ciao Diego Carrassi
venerdì 27 febbraio 2009
Che bel sito! I cani sono bellisimi anche noi li ricordiamo bene... Mi saluti Carina con un grande abbraccio? Tinna
venerdì 9 gennaio 2009
Complimenti! bellissimo sito e cani fantastici
Giuseppe ( g.rossi@yahoo.it)
martedì 6 gennaio 2009
Complimenti per il sito, è veramente piacevole ed elegante.
Andrea Ferretti